Tips If You Want To Fight For Sole Custody

Child custody disputes are one of the most stressful things a parent could ever go through. No parent wants to lose time with their children, and you may even feel tempted to try to get sole custody. If this is the case, it is imperative to know that in Florida, the family law courts generally presume that it is in the child’s best interests to spend time with both parents. This usually means awarding both parents joint custody. Sole custody, or sole parenting time, will still be awarded in certain cases. If you want to fight for it, below are some tips that can help.
Proving Sole Custody is in the Child’s Best Interests
Due to the presumption of the courts that it is in the child’s best interests to spend time with both parents, you will have a very high burden of proof if trying to get sole custody. You will have to show that this arrangement is in the child’s best interests. Usually, this means proving that the other parent has a history of domestic abuse, a substance abuse problem, or that there is some other issue that puts the child’s safety and well-being at risk.
Proving a Healthy and Stable Environment
Along with proving sole custody is in the child’s best interests, you will also have to show that you can provide a healthy and stable environment for your child. This generally means showing that your home is safe and has plenty of room for all of you. If you have to move out of the marital home, try choosing a new residence that is close to your ex-spouse. This will make visitation easier and cause fewer disruptions in the child’s life post-divorce.
Be Familiar with Your Child’s Life
It is always helpful if you can prove to the court that you are very familiar with your child’s favorite hobbies, their friends, and the education they are receiving. Also show that you are aware of any extra-curricular activities your child is in, along with any medical issues or allergies they struggle with. Showing the court that you are aware of the big and small details of your child’s life will go a long way in showing you care.
Foster the Relationship with the Other Parent
You should also show the court that you are willing to foster a healthy relationship between your child and the other parent. The family courts take parental alienation, or any attempt to impair the relationship between the child and the other parent, very seriously. If it looks like you are trying to alienate your child from the other parent, it will work against you. Instead, show that you understand the importance of the relationship and are willing to support it.
Call Our Family Lawyer in Brandon Today
If you have a child custody issue, our Brandon family lawyer at Koether Law, P.A. can provide the sound legal advice you need and give you the best chance of a favorable outcome. Call us now at 813-347-8193 or contact us online to request a consultation and to learn more.