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Monthly Archives: August 2023


How is Debt Handled During Divorce?

By Koether Law, P.A. |

Many people are aware that divorce involves the process of dividing the marital assets between the two parties. However, all marital property is subject to division, and that includes marital debt. Due to the fact that creditors and lenders are not legally bound by the terms of a divorce decree, post-divorce debt can become… Read More »

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Five Steps to Take if You are Thinking of Divorce

By Koether Law, P.A. |

No marriage is perfect and even the happiest of unions are bound to hit rough patches at one point or another. Sometimes, though, the situation has become so and, or even so unhealthy, that one or both spouses see no other solution than divorce. Making the decision to divorce is extremely difficult. It is… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Florida Alimony Reform in 2023

By Koether Law, P.A. |

Recently, a bill was introduced in the Florida legislature that would greatly reform the alimony laws of the state. It is now on its way for Governor DeSantis to sign. If passed, the alimony laws in the Sunshine State will significantly change. The law will apply to all divorce cases that are still pending… Read More »

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What is Malicious Parent Syndrome?

By Koether Law, P.A. |

Ending a marriage is never easy but when a divorce involves children, it can become even more contentious. Afterwards, even though a legal dispute may be resolved, people often still hold onto feelings of bitterness and resentment. Sometimes, they may even use their children as a way to hurt their former spouse. In extreme… Read More »

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